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An example application is available to show basic usage of the library.


Install Library

Add the following code to your pubspec.yaml.

  unifiedpush: ^5.0.0

Initialize the receiver

You can ignore instances if you don’t need to handle multiple connections.

      onNewEndpoint: onNewEndpoint,
      onRegistrationFailed: onRegistrationFailed,
      onUnregistered: onUnregistered,
      onMessage: onMessage,

    void onNewEndpoint(String endpoint, String instance) {
        // You should send the endpoint to your application server
        // and sync for missing notifications.

    void onRegistrationFailed(String instance) {}

    void onUnregistered(String instance) {}

    void onMessage(Uint8List message, String instance) {}
  1. Set the engine on the android side of your app (typically in android/app/src/main/kotlin/your/app/id/MainActivity.kt):
import android.content.Context
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine

class MainActivity : FlutterActivity() {
    override fun provideFlutterEngine(context: Context): FlutterEngine? {
        return provideEngine(this)

    override fun configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
    // do nothing, because the engine was been configured in provideEngine

    companion object {
        var engine: FlutterEngine? = null
        fun provideEngine(context: Context): FlutterEngine {
            val eng = engine ?: FlutterEngine(context, emptyArray(), true, false)
            engine = eng
            return eng
  1. Declare the Receiver for UnifiedPush events (android side):
import android.content.Context
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartExecutor
import org.unifiedpush.flutter.connector.UnifiedPushReceiver

class UnifiedPushReceiver : UnifiedPushReceiver() {
    override fun getEngine(context: Context): FlutterEngine {
        var engine = MainActivity.engine
        if (engine == null) {
            engine = MainActivity.provideEngine(context)
        return engine
  1. Add the UnifiedPush related actions to the (android side) manifest, and disabled built-in receiver:
        <receiver android:name="org.unifiedpush.flutter.connector.UnifiedPushReceiver"
        <receiver android:exported="false"  android:enabled="true"  android:name=".UnifiedPushReceiver">
                <action android:name="org.unifiedpush.flutter.connector.MESSAGE"/>
                <action android:name="org.unifiedpush.flutter.connector.UNREGISTERED"/>
                <action android:name="org.unifiedpush.flutter.connector.NEW_ENDPOINT"/>
                <action android:name="org.unifiedpush.flutter.connector.REGISTRATION_FAILED" />

Register for Push

To register for receiving push services you have two options, after initializing:

  1. Have the library handle distributor selection
// Call the library function
    instance,                        // Optionnal String, to get multiple endpoints (one per instance)
    [featureAndroidBytesMessage]     // Optionnal String Array with required features
  1. Handle selection yourself
// Check if a distributor is already registered
if (await UnifiedPush.getDistributor() != "") {
  // Re-register in case something broke
        instance,                        // Optionnal String, to get multiple endpoints (one per instance)
        [featureAndroidBytesMessage]     // Optionnal String Array with required features
} else {
  // Get a list of distributors that are available
  final distributors = await UnifiedPush.getDistributors(
        [featureAndroidBytesMessage]     // Optionnal String Array with required features
  // select one or show a dialog or whatever
  final distributor = myPickerFunc(distributors);
  // save the distributor
  // register your app to the distributor
        instance,                        // Optionnal String, to get multiple endpoints (one per instance)
        [featureAndroidBytesMessage]     // Optionnal String Array with required features


// inform the library that you would like to unregister from receiving push messages
        instance                         // Optionnal String, to get multiple endpoints (one per instance)
// You won't receive onUnregistered for this instance

Sending Push Messages

(From the application server)

To send a message to an application you need the “endpoint”. You get it in the onNewEndpoint method once it is available. You can then use it to send a message using for example curl. The POST body is the message received by the function onMessage.

curl -X POST "$endpoint" --data "Any message body that is desired."

Application With Embedded Distributor

On the Android side, you will need to import and declare the embedded distributor. Please refer to Embedded FCM Distributor for more information.