
Embed a FCM distributor as a fallback if user don't have another distributor. It doesn't contain any Google proprietary blobs.

This library requires Android 4.1 or higher.

Import the library

Add the dependency to the module build.gradle. Replace {VERSION} with the latest version.

dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'org.unifiedpush.android:embedded-fcm-distributor:{VERSION}'


Google FCM servers can handle webpush requests out of the box, but they require a VAPID authorization.

If your application supports VAPID, you have nothing special to do. You don't need to extend and expose EmbeddedDistributorReceiver: The library already expose it.

Else, you need to use a gateway that will add VAPID authorizations to the responses. For this, you need to extend and expose EmbeddedDistributorReceiver.

Expose a receiver

If your application doesn't support VAPID, you need to expose a Receiver that extend EmbeddedDistributorReceiver and you must override gateway.

override val gateway = object : Gateway {
override val vapid = "BJVlg_p7GZr_ZluA2ace8aWj8dXVG6hB5L19VhMX3lbVd3c8IqrziiHVY3ERNVhB9Jje5HNZQI4nUOtF_XkUIyI"

override fun getEndpoint(token: String): String {
return "https://fcm.example.unifiedpush.org/FCM?v3&token=$token"

Edit your manifest

The receiver has to be exposed in the AndroidManifest.xml in order to receive the UnifiedPush messages.

<receiver android:enabled="true"  android:name=".EmbeddedDistributor" android:exported="false">
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.distributor.feature.BYTES_MESSAGE"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.distributor.REGISTER"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.distributor.UNREGISTER"/>
