UnifiedPush receiver for the Embedded distributor
Expose a receiver
You need to expose a Receiver that extend EmbeddedDistributorReceiver and you must override getEndpoint to return the address of your FCM rewrite-proxy.
class EmbeddedDistributor: EmbeddedDistributorReceiver() {
override fun getEndpoint(context: Context, fcmToken: String, instance: String): String {
// This returns the endpoint of your FCM Rewrite-Proxy
return "https://<your.domain.tld>/FCM?v2&instance=$instance&token=$token"
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Edit your manifest
The receiver has to be exposed in the AndroidManifest.xml
in order to receive the UnifiedPush messages.
<receiver android:enabled="true" android:name=".EmbeddedDistributor" android:exported="false">
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.distributor.feature.BYTES_MESSAGE"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.distributor.REGISTER"/>
<action android:name="org.unifiedpush.android.distributor.UNREGISTER"/>
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