Try to use the saved distributor else, use the default distributor opening the deeplink "unifiedpush://link"
It can be used on application startup to register to the distributor. If you had already registered to a distributor, this ensure the connection is working. If the previous distributor has been uninstalled, it will fallback to the user's default. If you register for the first time, it will use the user's default Distributor or the OS will ask what it should use.
External distributors will be favored over embedded distributors.
Be aware that this function may start a new translucent activity in order to get the result of the distributor activity. You may prefer to use LinkActivityHelper directly in your own activity instead.
tryUseCurrentOrDefaultDistributor(context) { success ->
if (success) {
//TODO: register
UnifiedPush.tryUseCurrentOrDefaultDistributor(context, success -> {
if (success) {
//TODO: register
return null;
Must be an activity or it will fail if there is no current distributor and the callback will be called with false
is a function taking a Boolean as parameter. This boolean is true if the registration using the deeplink succeeded.