
open class SelectDistributorDialogsBuilder(context: Context, unifiedPushFunctions: UnifiedPushFunctions)

Main dialog builder, use run to select a distributor and register

Extend and override functions or attributes if needed.



Context for fetching resources.


UnifiedPush functions to interact with the distributors.


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constructor(context: Context, unifiedPushFunctions: UnifiedPushFunctions)


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open var instances: List<String>

List of instances to request registration for.

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Use saved distributor if available.

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Use default distributor if available.

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Contains content of the different dialogs.


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open fun onDistributorSelected(distributor: String)

Called when a distributor is selected. By default, it calls UnifiedPushFunctions.saveDistributor then UnifiedPushFunctions.registerApp for each instance.

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open fun onManyDistributorsFound(distributors: List<String>)

Called when many distributors are found. By default, it shows a dialog to ask which distributor to pick with RegistrationDialogContent.chooseDialog content.

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Called when no distributor are found. By default, it shows a dialog with RegistrationDialogContent.noDistributorDialog content.

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fun run()

Show a dialog if needed to ask user's distributor and request registration for all instances

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Select distributor without trying to use the user's default one.

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Whether the dialog with the IntroDialog should be shown to the user.

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open fun showIntro()
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open fun tryUseDefault()