Troubleshooting Self-Hosted Ntfy Server
This page helps you resolve problems with self-hosting Ntfy servers. This is aimed at people managing their own servers.
See also: Troubleshooting your setup, aimed at end-users but also helpful for people managing their own servers.
You may have limited access to some users. But application servers pushing to your ntfy server aren’t registered on it, so you must ensure /up*
subject are world writable.
For further informations, refere to the self-hosting documentation.
Ntfy has a rate limiting settings. If you see 429 messages on you server logs, you may have enabled it.
For further informations, refere to ntfy limitation.
If your matrix client shows a matrix gateway that isn’t your ntfy server, you probably not have configured the base-url
settings, or you host your ntfy server on a subpath.
You must see the json {"unifiedpush":{"gateway":"matrix"}}
if you go, with a browser, to https://YOURDOMAIN/_matrix/push/v1/notify, with this exact absolute path. Else configure your reverse-proxy.
For further informations, refere to the self-hosting documentation, and the gateway documentation.