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UnifiedPush Spec: DBUS_0.3.0


Connector API

The connector MUST provide a service with a name identifying a the application (standard reverse DNS style application ID, which is also used in D-Bus APIs).

The connector MUST implement the org.unifiedpush.Connector1 interface at the object path /org/unifiedpush/Connector.

The caller of the methods in this interface MUST NOT wait for a response from them.

org.unifiedpush.Connector1.Message (String, Array<Byte>, String) → nothing

The distributor MUST call this method to send a new push message to the connector.

Arguments MUST be, in the order below:

  • the token of the connection (string)
  • the message, which is the raw POST data received by the push server (Array<Byte>)
  • an ID identifying the message or an empty string. (string)

This method does not return anything.

org.unifiedpush.Connector1.NewEndpoint (String, String) → nothing

The distributor MUST call this method to inform the connector of the endpoint URL, both after registering for the first time, and if the endpoint changes afterwards.

Arguments MUST be, in the order below:

  • the token of the connection (string)
  • the new endpoint. (string)

This method does not return anything.

org.unifiedpush.Connector1.Unregistered (String) → nothing

The distributor MUST call this method to confirm unregistration or to inform the application that it has been unregistered.

If this action is send to inform the application, the intent MUST have the following argument:

Arguments MUST be, in the order below:

  • the token of the connection if this action is not to confirm unregistration, empty otherwise (string)

This method does not return anything.

If the app wants to remain registered, it MUST register again.

Distributor API

Distributors MUST provide a service with a name beginning with org.unifiedpush.Distributor. followed by a string to identify the distributor (for example, org.unifiedpush.Distributor.distributorname where distributorname is the distributor’s name)

The distributor MUST implement the org.unifiedpush.Distributor1 interface at the object path /org/unifiedpush/Distributor.

org.unifiedpush.Distributor1.Register (String, String, String) → (String, String)

The connector MUST call this method to register for push messages or to retreive the push endpoint.

Arguments MUST be, in the order below:

  • the service name identifying the application, (string)
  • a random token to identify the connection between the connector and the distributor. It MUST be unique on distributor side. (string)
  • a description of the app and its reason for using push notifications. This MAY be shown to the user by the distributor. This MAY be empty. (String)

When it has not registered before, the connector MUST generate a random string to use as its token, and call this method with that token as its argument to register. At every subsequent startup of the app, it SHOULD call this method with the same token as before, to fetch the newest endpoint from the connector.

The method MUST return two strings, in the order below :

  • a reason string that MAY be empty. (string)

The first string is “REGISTRATION_SUCCEEDED” if registration succeeded. It is “REGISTRATION_FAILED” in case the registration failed.

If registration succeeded, the distributor MUST call the connector’s org.unifiedpush.Connector1.NewEndpoint method to deliver the new push endpoint to it.

org.unifiedpush.Distributor1.Unregister (String) → nothing

The connector MUST call this method to unregister for push messages.

Arguments MUST be:

  • the token of the connection (string).

The method does not return anything.

Appendix: Implementation practices

These are some practices and hints that may be useful to you if you want to implement a part of this API.


When a connector first wants to register, it should fetch all service names currently registered on the session bus, and filter it to only those which begin with org.unifiedpush.Distributor.. It should then choose one of these (see below) to use as its distributor. It must then generate a random string to use as a token, and call the org.unifiedpush.Distributor1.Register method with this token as the argument. If the return value indicates “NEW_ENDPOINT”, the distributor will then call the connector’s org.unifiedpush.Connector1.NewEndpoint method to deliver the endpoint to it. When this has happened, the connector saves the token and the endpoint received in its persistent storage. Registration is now complete.

On subsequent startups, the connector should call org.unifiedpush.Distributor1.Register with the same token, and store the new endpoint returned, if it has changed. The connector should also implement the org.unifiedpush.Connector1.NewEndpoint method to receive notification about a changed endpoint from the distributor at any time.

D-Bus Activation

The application should provide an activatable D-Bus service, so that it can be activated by a new push message when it is not running.

To have your service be “activatable”, so that the distributor can send it push messages while it’s not running and it’ll automatically start up, your app should install a D-Bus service file inside one of the D-Bus session service directories. These usually include /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/dbus-1/services/, $XDG_DATA_DIR/dbus-1/services/, and so on, or if you’re packaging in a Flatpak for example, /app/share/dbus-1/services/. (See the D-Bus docs for the full info.) The file should be named after your app ID, for example tld.yourdomain.YourApp.service, and look like the following:

[D-BUS Service]
Exec=/usr/bin/yourapp --push-message

The “–push-message” flag can be anything you want here, the point of it is just that when this command is executed, it starts up in an “invisible” or “background” way so that it doesn’t jump into the user’s face just because a push message arrived. Instead of a command line flag, this could be an environment variable (env SOME_VARIABLE=1 /usr/bin/yourapp). It would be a good idea to end the process after “doing its thing” in the background (for example sending a desktop notification), so that the app does not stay running forever in the background after receiving one notification.

Choosing a distributor

When you list all services that begin with org.unifiedpush.Distributor. on the session bus, you may get zero, one, or multiple results. If there are zero, you can’t register to get push notifications. If there is one, you can simply choose that one. If there are multiple, then you can choose one of them by presenting a UI to select one distributor (since the user likely knows why they have multiple different distributors running). You can also get the “preferred” distributor from an environment variable, although the name and behavior of this variable have not been specced (TODO).

On Application Startup

The application should call org.unifiedpush.Distributor1.Register on every startup to request the newest endpoint URL, in case it missed this call otherwise.

D-Bus Interface Introspection XML files